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Privacy Policy

Who we are

DCC Bazar is a Bangladeshi trusted online shop. Our main motive is to give the unique & stylish foreign baby products to our Bangladeshi people. We insure the quality and Cheap rate than others.

Our Office Address

Gulshan Badda Link Road, Rohim Villa T98/2, Dhaka

Mobile 8801793612628



Our Commitment

We value and admire our guests and their private information, and give an ample quantum of significance in keeping your particular information safe. We like to stand with the trust our patrons have placed in us, and with that trust, we then at DCCBazar give a lot to maintain your sequestration.

What particular data we collect and why we collect it

We're collecting your data like Name, Address, Mobile Number and Dispatch for verification purposes to avoid spam. Also, this data will help to buy any product coming time or give any review and comment.

We aren't participating your data with others. It’s veritably secure. We only use data for letting you know the stylish service for you.

Who we partake your data with

Generally, we don’t partake any data with others. only partake for sale purposes and corroborate.


Our Policy

Programs apply to all the information we DCCBazar collect from our guests, and how we cover that information, how we use it and how you can or can not choose how we decide to use your data and information.

DCCBazar reserves the right to change, alter or modify these programs at any time or place, so we largely encourage our guests to take a look at it formerly in a while, and stay over-to- date with the information regarding your sequestration.


How we use it

We use it to ameliorate our spots according to client preferences.

We use it to enlighten our guests about offers on products or services, give information on news, elevations, tickets and anything differently that might be of interest to the client.

We use it to reuse orders for guests and keep track of the orders

Give client support.

To respond to requests and other services.

To shoot announcements and cautions on deals and updates.

For checks, contests and sweepstakes

Telling particular information

We, at DCCBazar, no way exposes particular information to any third party.


Return Policy

You can return if you get any damaged or wrong product. Else, we not accept a return.

For the return, you must pay delivery costs.