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Shipping Policy

If you want to shoot different products to different places also you can suppose of making separate orders and also pay for them independently. You can also check if we offer shipping services to the place where you intend to shoot your product.

Cash On Delivery

DCC Bazar gives the cash on delivery service only in Dhaka City, and that too for perishable goods. After you have placed an order with us, you'll admit a call from a client service representative who would also authorize your order and also will shoot you dispatch. Nevertheless, your order can also be verified through a call to us. Also, your order would start to get reused and a shadowing number will be transferred to you. We can't cash on delivery outside of Dhaka.

Condition Courier Delivery

Our Delivery Time 01-02 days within Dhaka megacity and 4-5 days outdoors Dhaka to admit a product through Tentative Delivery System. The product will be delivered through a third-party courier service. After introducing ourselves to the courier service, you're needed to give the price of the product as well as the charge for the parcel. And incipiently, only after you have complied with the rules of the courier service and go through the authentication process you can have the product.

 International Delivery System

Our Services of DCC Bazar aren't available abroad. Our Services only for whole Bangladesh. We can take delivery from anywhere in Bangladesh.

Delivery Charges

Our Delivery Charge TK. 60 inside Dhaka City. And anywhere outdoors Dhaka is charged will be 100 to TK depending on product orders and weight.